Tuesday, November 25, 2014

64 Degrees

It was 31 degrees, according to the not-very accurate (I am convinced) thermometer at Northeastern High School, for my four-mile runs on Saturday morning and last Wednesday night.

According to the same digital display, it was 64 tonight.  Yikes.  I'm not convinced that it was quite that warm, but t was at least 20 degrees warmer when I headed out for my run at around 6:30 tonight.

I like running in cooler weather, as anyone who reads this blog knows by now, and any other week, I would probably wait it out for cooler temperatures, or run 2 miles tonight and four (which is my current long-run distance) another night.

Except that we're predicted to have 5-8 inches of snow on Wednesday. As much as enjoy running in cold weather, I loathe snow. If I don't get my run in today, who knows when I might?

So I ran it.  It wasn't fun.  My legs felt a lot more tired and I felt a little more out of breath than I did on Saturday, and I'm going to blame the temperature for that, but I'm happy I got some miles in.

Now I'm debating, should I run tomorrow or keep my legs fresh for shoveling? :-(

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