Thursday, April 26, 2012


It's been a little quiet around here again, I realize.  Maybe that's because I'm a lazy ne'er-do-well who hasn't run since Saturday's Sole of the City 10K.

It wasn't for lack of effort.  Well, ok, it was mostly for lack of effort.  I was going to run on Monday, but it was cold and rainy.  I like the cold, of course, but I just can't psyche myself up for cold and rainy.  Tuesday was very least I think that was my excuse, and on Wednesday (last night) we ran some errands and I was going to go out after the Orioles game, when it was cool and clear and beautiful, but I was tired.  

I should have gone out last night.  Instead, I went out ran 5 miles tonight at a decent pace, but was punished for idle-otry with massive humidity and tired, sore legs.  I don't think I was properly hydrated, and I blame the tired, sore legs more on that and my over-resting and a too-fast first two miles, but apparently the Brooks Adrenaline isn't quite the cure-all that it seemed to be last week.  Still, even though I really seem to be faster than in Tempos, the Adrenalines seem to be winning the shoe war.

I need to get a little more consistent; I seem to be stuck in a rut of really good week followed by a low-motivation week.  


  1. I will be your drill sergeant! RUN BRIAN!!! Tonight! After fencing!! I'll take you to the track and yell at you. :-)

    1. Also, I figured you were the stick figure on the right.


  2. This week has been bad for me also! I skipped an entire strength workout yesterday. It has to be the weather (although I seemed more motivated in the winter!)

    1. I just like running more in the cold but with all this fluctuating weather I can't acclimate either way! D'oh.
